Size (Bounding Box, assembled): 40.97mm x 42.2mm x 68.0mm
For centuries, the three-sided truncated pyramid of the lazer pylon has been a signature of the Phystyulons. The first weapon system of the type was developed between the First and Second Phystyulon Wars. This was a base-defence emplacement, boasting considerable power for the time.
The Type 333 is that system’s current descendant. Despite its size, it is easy to emplace as a field fortification, though it requires an external power source.
The Type 333 is little more than an automated omnidirectional weapons platform. Fundamentally, it is little different from the point-defence pylons used by the Phystyulon starships. A single door provided access to a cramped maintenance chamber, but otherwise the system is entirely autonomous.
The structure is coated in Tier 18-rated armour, with an additional layer provided by a Tier 10-rated shield.
The pylon is capable of firing a sustained blast of up to Tier 23, before it needs a brief pause to recharge. While charged and not actively firing, the array can stutter-fire smaller beams to act as point-defence. This ability is shared by many of the larger pylons of the Phystyulon Numinous Star Navy.