You can also buy boxed Switches with one extra outlet or two extra outlets:
Many items like printers and Smart TV's have wireless Bluetooth or even WIFI built right in. It's not safe to sit next to the WiFi router and it's not safe to sleep near WiFi or any item that's spewing toxic wireless radiation.
So, it follows it's not a great idea to get too close to any of these machines that have built in wireless when you want to turn them off.
Order an additional outlet that plugs into any electrical outlet and it will pair with your current Safertech Remote WiFI Kill switch.
- Can be used to turn off ANY item that can be plugged into a wall.
- Turn off Printers. SmartTV--anything that has a hidden wireless connections or any wireless appliance
- Eliminates wasteful standby power and reduces energy use; save on your electric bills
- Easy set-up. A joy to use!
- Switch Can Be Used With Up To 3 Outlets
Our extra outlets can be used internationally. A US adapter is required