A collimator sight is a type of a sight that uses the phenomenon of collimation, i.e. obtaining a light beam with low divergence. The first such sight was developed in the 1960s. XX century Swedish inventor N. Ruder. Currently, collimator sights are considered the most optimal type of the sight for shooting at distances of up to 200 m. As the light emitted by the collimator sights is most often red (or amber), this type of sight is often referred to as "Red Dot" in the English-language literature. point).
The 1x40 red dot sight works on the principle of internal projection of the aiming point in the form of a red dot. The brightness of the aiming dot can be adjusted on a twelve-level scale (from 0 to 11). The red dot sight is made out of metal and plastic, which makes it more durable.
The red dot sight is powered by a single CR2032 type battery which guarantees easy access to disposable power sources.
Material: plastic metal
Weight: 250g
Color: black
Aiming dot color: red
Mount: 22mm
Manufacturer: ACM